
美国总统特朗普于201985日发布第13884号行政命令。该行政令将“委内瑞拉政府”列为制裁目标并封锁其在美国所有资产和财产。 该行政令同时禁止“委内瑞拉政府”使用美国金融体系。行政令对于“委内瑞拉政府”定义如下:


委内瑞拉的国家及政府,其任何政治分支、机构、或部门,包括委内瑞拉中央银行以及委内瑞拉石油公司Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. 509645.1 (PdVSA),任何由上述个人/实体直接或间接拥有或控制的,以及任何人被视为或声称直接或间接为上述任何行为或代表其行事的人,包括马杜罗政权成员。









由于委内瑞拉制裁,协会建议与委内瑞拉进行交易的会员谨慎行事。尤其强烈建议会员不要参与涉及委内瑞拉石油部门的活动。请参看协会之前发布的Member Alert通函以及制裁信息:




U.S increase sanctions against Venezuela


On 5th August 2019 President Trump issued Executive Order 13884. The Order targets the government of Venezuela and blocks all its assets and property in the U.S. The Order also prohibits the Venezuelan government to use the US financial system. The Venezuelan government is defined as follows:


The state and Government of Venezuela, any political subdivision, agency, or instrumentality thereof, including the Central Bank of Venezuela and Petroleos de Venezuela, S.A. 509645.1 (PdVSA), any person owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by the foregoing, and any person who is acted or purported to act directly or indirectly for or on behalf of, any of the foregoing, including as a member of the Maduro regime.


Notably, US persons are specifically not prohibited to engage is transactions involving the country or people of Venezuela.


The Order further prohibits non-US persons to provide material assistance to or goods or services in support of the government of Venezuela, its agencies or any entity in which it holds a 50% or greater interest.


The full text of Executive Order 13884 can be found here:



As a result of the Venezuelan sanctions members trading to Venezuela are recommended to exercise great caution. In particular, members are strongly advised against having any involvement in the Venezuelan oil sector. For further information see the Club’s previous Members Alert and sanctions information at https://www.swedishclub.com/loss-prevention/legal/sanctions/.


来源:The Swedish P&I Club @ 2019.08.08
