
来源:The London P&I Club


为避免船舶停靠土耳其港口或航经土耳其水域时遭受巨额污染罚款,协会强烈建议会员遵循协会土耳其通代---- Metropole Maritime& Trading Ltd. Co.近期发布通函中所载的建议和指导。通代的建议和指导如下:

·         除非经检查后确认压载水清洁,否则应尽量避免排放压载水。

·         保持所有舷侧排水阀处于关闭或密闭状态。

·         所有甲板排水孔应塞好,甲板周边所有结合板应紧密贴合以消除缝隙。

·         不进行舱盖冲水试验、甲板管系统/消防皮龙或其他设施的静水压力测试。

·         不冲刷甲板及甲板以上结构。

·         经污水系统处理过后的水以及灰水(厨房、洗衣房、盥洗室产生的生活污水)应先转移到储存舱,直到船舶驶离土耳其海域后再排放。

·         避免将货物残留、货舱清洗残留、所有垃圾以及其他物质排入土耳其水域。

·         船舶靠泊或锚泊期间,不对船体进行除锈、抛光、打磨、刷漆等作业。

·         船舶在船厂或上坞期间,如果发生污染,即便污染是由于船厂、船厂雇员或船厂代理人的疏忽造成的,船舶也可能会被判定对污染罚款付替带责任。因此,船员应小心谨慎,如果认为污染事件已经发生,船员应立即向船厂提出书面抗议。


通函内容,请以英文原文为准,汉语翻译仅供参考。 如您对上述内容有任何疑问,新乔十分乐意为您解答并提供帮助。 

下文请查收伦敦保赔协会通函原文以及协会通代Metropole Maritime& Trading Ltd. Co. 通函原文。

Members should note that the level of pollution finesin Turkey has been amended with effect from December 2018 with increases in thefines from between 3 to 14 times previous levels. Significant fines can be incurred for any discharge of dirty ballast, petroleum, petroleum derivatives (including sludge, slop fuel products, oily waste), garbage and sewage into Turkish waters. The fines are calculated based on the type of pollution, and the type and tonnage of the vessel from which the pollutant emanates, rather than quantity of pollution discharged; the fine imposed can be a substantial amount.

In order to avoid a significant pollution fine when calling ports in Turkey or transiting Turkish waters, it is strongly recommended that Members follow the Recommendations and Guidance contained inthe circular issued recently by Metropole Maritime & Trading Ltd. Co., a correspondent in Turkey. The Recommendations and Guidance are as follows:--

·         De-ballasting operations should be avoided unless the ballast water has been checked and confirmed to be clean.

·         All overboard discharge valves should be closed and secured/sealed in the closed position.

·         All deck scuppers should be plugged and any gaps in the fish plate surrounding the deck should be closed.

·         Hose test of hatch covers, hydrostatic test of deck pipes/hoses or other equipment should not be performed.

·         Washing of decks and superstructure should be avoided.

·         Treated water from the sewage system and grey water should be transferred to a holding tank and should not be discharged until the vessel is outside Turkish waters.

·         Cargo residues, cargo space cleaning residues, all garbage and other substances should not be disposed in Turkish waters.

·         The vessel’s hull should not be scraped, chipped or painted while alongside the pier or at anchor.

·         While the vessel is at a shipyard or in dry dock, even if the pollution is caused by the negligence of the shipyard, its employees or agents, the ship may be held vicariously liable for the pollution fine. Therefore crew members should exercise care and should immediately protest in writing to the shipyard where they believe a   pollution incident has taken place.

The circular, which includes further details of the pollution fines, as well as information on the appeals process, security requirements to release an offending vessel, and discounts for prompt payment, can be accessed by clicking here.

