NOR的递交与接受:London Arbitration 13/19
来源:Meco Group租家保赔@2019.06.11
这是一个典型的TCT in,VC out 的航次安排。该船船东(TC下的租家)以Norgrain 89格式VC租给下家,合同约定laycan是8月24日到9月2日。该船于8月24日1点15分到达South West Pass并递交NOR。1点40分,该船抵达密西西比河,并于3点15分到达Pilottown并更换内水引水。7点32分,船舶到达Point Celeste Anchorage等泊。同日NCB,USDA安排验舱,NCB的第一次验舱未过,最后在下午17点,NCB的检验员验舱通过,租家代理将NCB/USDA的靠泊许可,验舱报告以及NOR发给码头。
8月30日,热带风暴Isaac袭击了该地,船舶因此触底,直到9月15日获救。9月4日,租家邮件船东提出在24号NOR递交时,船舶并未“ready for the cargo”。之后,当月6号,租家又发出不可抗力通知,声称货物因风暴货损,该租约无法执行。
但该月27日,船东向租家发出通知,船舶重新准备就绪可以装卸货物。10月3日,租家邮件通知船东24号递交的NOR无效,理由是(a)船舶并未到达;(b)船舶到达时并未准备就绪。第二天,船舶到达Port Celeste,但租家邮件通知船东,称该船已经错过交船期,租家选择取消该租约(cancel the charterparty)。
(1) 船东24号递交的NOR无效。理由是,当该船到达South West Pass时,船舶并不是在等泊,而是在等待引水上船。为此,该船最早可以递交NOR的地点是在Point Celeste锚地。为此仲裁庭特别指出,往往船长都会认为,船舶在海上航次结束后(end of a sea passage)就可以递交NOR。这个观点是错误的,正如本案中,船舶在到达South West Pass时并未处于租家的实际控制中(at the immediate disposal of thecharterer),如果当时她还在等待前往预定的泊位或者锚地的指示。
(2) 同时该案中,该船在接受NCB第一次验舱时,并未通过。根据合同18(b)和第77条的约定,该NOR仍然是无效的。在这种情况下,船东要重新递交一个新的NOR。但本案中,在该船第二次验舱通过后,代理仍将24号的NOR发给了装卸码头,仲裁员认为该行为可以视为租家对24号的NOR的接受。
(3) 这里仲裁庭特别说明了上述结论背后的逻辑。他们认为,虽然合同要求船长在验舱合格后重新递交NOR,但船长并未实际这么做。不过仲裁庭认为,租家和他的代理也应当在知晓第二次验舱合格后,告知船长发新的NOR。而实际情况是双方均未这么去做,那么这时候更大的合同义务在租家。因为,当租家或者他的代理收到一个NOR之后,应当选择接受或者拒绝这个NOR。而租家实际并未这么做。这时候,租家选择了保持沉默,仲裁庭考虑到代理将NOR以及其他文件发给了装货码头,这时我们可以视为租家已经放弃(waive)或者被禁反言(estopped)去主张NOR无效。
(4) 在NOR有效的前提下,仲裁庭认为装卸时间从31号风暴消退后起算。虽然租家主张不可抗力,但因为租家有其他替代货物可以供船,所以该主张并不成立。同时,如果一个除外事件(exception)要适用于装卸时间的排除,合同必须要有明确的条款去约定这个情况的适用。
(5) 鉴于上述裁决,仲裁庭认定租家并无权利取消这个租约。而船东索赔的三项损失,第一项的滞期费,仲裁庭支持,第二项燃油款,仲裁庭认为应当按照合理的损失确定,但要排除船东在商业上向原船东做出的让步,而第三项收益损失,仲裁庭认为损失计算不合理,不能证明船东有实际损失,故不予支持。
在之前的文章中,我们也讨论过NOR递交无效的争议(London Arbitration 10/19)。在那个案件中,仲裁庭认为卖方并未递交一个有效的NOR给买方(卸港收货人)。与本案不同的是,仲裁庭认为该案中的代理并未有权限代买方接受NOR,故买方从始至终都没收到过有效的NOR。而本案在,仲裁庭认为NOR被租家接受的根本原因是,租家代理的做法通过行动的方式代租家接受了NOR。因此,我们建议作为船东应当在租约里约定装卸港口的代理均是租家的代理(agent),有权代表租家接受NOR。参考本案,一旦遇到类似的情况,船东也会处于比较有利的地位。
“In case owners nominate a vesselthat can safely load more than the contractual quantity (21,900 mts in option 1& 26,900 mts in option 2), then owners are to give the chrts the option toload more cargo basis (no mixing, excessive qty of either soya beans or soyabean meal in chopt) ...
Lay can 24 Aug – 02 September
Load rate: 9000 satshex eiu
Vessel inspection
4. ... Should the vessel’s notice of readiness not be tenderedand accepted as per Clause 18 before [23.59] hrs on the [2nd] day of September.Carrying charges if any to be settled directly between Shippers and Owners,case need Charterers to assist in solving the matter without any financialresponsibility to charterers have the option of cancelling this charterpartyany time thereafter, but not later than one hour after the tender of notice ofreadiness as per Clause 18. Time used prior commencement of laytime not tocount.
18.(a) Notice of Readiness
Notice of Readiness to be tendered whether in berth or not/whetherin port or not/whether custom cleared or not/whether in free pratique or notvia cable/telex/vhf/within office hours:
At load port ... 07:00:16:00 ...
(b) Waiting for Berth Outside PortLimits
If the vessel is prevented from entering the limits of the loading/dischargingport(s) because the first or sole loading loading/discharging berth or a layberth or anchorage is not available within the port limits or on the order ofthe Charterers ... or any competent official body or authority, and the Master warrantsthat the vessel is physically ready in all respects to load or discharge, theMaster may tender vessel’s notice of readiness, by radio if desired, from theusual anchorage outside the limits of the port, whether in free pratique ornot, whether customs cleared or not. If after entering the limits of theloading port, vessel fails to pass inspections as per Clause 18(e) any time solost shall not count as laytime or time on demurrage from the time vessel failsto pass inspections upto USDA and/or FGIS and/or NCB and/or Shippers Surveyorsatisfaction the Notice of Readiness to be considered not valid and Mastershall tender valid notice of readiness after vessel passing inspection all timeprior to vessel acceptance will not be considered as laytime.
(c) Commencement of Laytime
Following receipt of notice of readiness laytime will commenceat 0800 on the next day not excepted from laytime.
(e) Inspection
Unless the conditions of Clause 18(b) apply, at first or soleloading port Master’s notice of readiness shall be accompanied by pass of theNational Cargo Bureau/Port Warden and Grain Inspectors certificate of vessel’sreadiness in all compartments to be loaded, for the entire cargo covered by theCharterparty as per Clause 3
19(b) Vessel is to be loaded at the rate of … tons per weatherworking days, Saturdays, Sundays and holidays excluded even if used (Friday16:00 to Mon 07:00)
Demurrage/Despatch money
20. Demurrage at loading/discharging ports is to be paid at therate of … and shall be paid by Charterers ...
36. ... neither the vessel ... nor the Charterers or Receiversshall, unless otherwise in this Charterparty expressly provided, be responsiblefor loss or damage or delay to or failure to supply, load discharge or delivercargo arising as a result from: Act of God ...
77. Vessel’s cargo holds on arrival [at] load port to be clean,swept, dried up, free of loose paint/rust scale, free of cargo residues fromprevious voyage and in every respects ready to load the intended cargo to thesatisfaction of shippers’ independent surveyor. Should the vessel fail to passthe hold inspection, Owners to arrange cleaning at their time and expenses.Notice of Readiness to be considered not valid and Master to re-tender Noticeof Readiness after Vessel passing inspection and approved by ship’s surveyors.”