









Freehill Hogan & Mahar LLP (Freehills) advice: http://www.freehill.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/NYDOCS1-509645-v1-Client_Alert_on_Venezuela_-_Executive_Order_138841.pdf 

Executive Order 13884: https://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/sanctions/Programs/Documents/13884.pdf 

US Department of the Treasury Venezuela FAQs: http://www.treasury.gov/resource-center/faqs/Sanctions/Pages/faq_other.aspx#venezuela 

The London P&I Club: US Sanctions -Venezuela oil trade by non-US entities:https://www.londonpandi.com/knowledge/news-alerts/us-sanctions-venezuela-government-agencies-and-entities-targeted-in-new-executive-order-13884/ 

The West P&I Club:U.S. increases sanction against Venezuela: https://www.westpandi.com/publications/sanctions/u-s-increases-sanctions-against-venezuela/ 

The Skuld P&I Club: Venezuela Sanctions-increase scope: https://www.skuld.com/topics/legal/sanctions/venezuela/venezuela-sanctions--increased-scope/ 




来源: The UK P&I Club @ 2019.08.08




Freehill Hogan&Mahar LLP在最新客户警报中澄清,任何美国个人/实体原则上不得与委内瑞拉政府、其代理机构或政府拥有或控制的任何实体进行任何交易。




在这种情况下(食品、药品和衣服仍得到豁免),对于 “实质性援助”的定义存在不确定性。 值得注意的是,行政令目的在于对委内瑞拉政府施加尽可能多的制裁措施,因此美国政府可能会激进性地解释“物质援助”,而船东也将相应受到制裁政策的影响。





US Department of the Treasury Venezuela。 如果会员上述议题进展有任何疑问,请联系协会常用联系人





U.S. steps up pressure on Venezuela with further sanction measures


On Monday 5 August, 2019, President Trump issued Executive Order 13884, effectively blocking the assets of the Government of Venezuela in the United States or in the possession and control of any United States person.


In their latest Client Alert, Freehill Hogan & Mahar LLP go on to clarify that any United States persons are essentially prohibited from engaging in any transactions with the Government of Venezuela, its agencies, or any entity that government owns or controls.


In addition, non-U.S. persons may have their assets in the United States blocked if they are determined to have “materially assisted” or supplied goods or services in support of the Government of Venezuela, its agencies and any entity in which it holds a 50% or greater interest. This includes PdVSA.


There is uncertainty as to what constitutes as “material assistance” in this case (food, medicine and clothing continue to be exempt). It is worth noting that the EO is designed to be as forceful as possible towards the Venezuelan Government, therefore “material assistance” may be interpreted by the U.S. aggressively and expose shipowners to sanctions accordingly.


In light of the above, Members who consider trade that involves the Government of Venezuela, its agencies and any entity in which it holds a 50% or greater interest, including PdVSA, are advised by the Club to read the attached client alert, as well as the U.S Executive Order and carefully evaluate the risk of doing so.


The Executive Order is available to view here. If Members have any questions regarding the above development, they should get in touch with their usual Club contact.


