
来源:The London P&I Club @ 2021.6.28

新移民法允许随远洋船只进入巴西的船员在无需签证的情况下,每年可于境内停留至多不超过90天(不可延期),前提是船员持有其国籍国或所在永居国所签发的海员身份证件(C185 SeafarerIdentity Document, SID),且该国已签署国际劳工组织《2003年海员身份证件公约》(第185号公约)(ILO C185)。会员和被保险人需注意:
1. 《海员手册》(海员服务手册或离职手册)与C185 SID是不同的文件。《海员手册》是资格和经验的证明,而不是身份的证明。
2. 根据ILO第108号公约所签发的SID,不再被接受为巴西免签的有效身份证明文件。
3. 如果船员的国籍国未批准ILO C185公约,船员需持有访客签证方可进入巴西。
例如,由于中国尚未批准ILO C185公约,非中国旗船只上的中国船员需持有访客签证方可进入巴西。对于中国旗船上的中国船员,则适用于《双边贸易协定》的相关规定,其被允许在到达港城市内进行有规定限度的登岸休假。
(点击链接查看已签署ILO C185公约的36个国家详情:https://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:11300:0::NO::P11300_INSTRUMENT_ID:312330 )。
4. 停留时间从首次入境巴西之日算起,至船舶离开最后一个国家港口之日或海员遣返之日止。
欲了解有关新《移民法》如何适用于海员的更多信息,请点击链接详见协会巴西通代Representações Proinde Ltda的详尽指南:https://proinde.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/PROINDE-Immigration-controls-on-seafarers-in-Brazil-updated-12-12-2020.pdf。其中包括:签证类别及其有效性、对外国海员和巴西船员的入境管制政策、违规行为及相应处罚等信息。

Members calling at ports in Brazil should note that the new Migration Law (Law 13,445 of May 2017) that entered into force in Brazil in November 2017 is now being implemented strictly.


The new Law allows seafarers entering Brazil on ocean-going vessels to stay up to 90 days (non-extendable) in each migratory year without a visa provided they carry a C185 Seafarer Identity Document (SID) that is issued by the seafarers’ State of nationality or permanent residence where such country is signatory to the International Labour Organization (ILO) Identity Documents Convention 185 of 2003 (ILO C185). Note that:


1. a Seaman’s Book (Seafarer’s Service Book or Discharge Book) is not the same document as a C185 SID. The Seaman’s Book is a proof of qualification and experience and is not acceptable as a proof of identity.


2. SIDs that are issued under ILO Convention 108 are no longer accepted as valid identification documents for visa exemptions in Brazil.


3. Crewmembers whose country of nationality have not ratified the ILO C185 Convention will need a visitor visa to enter Brazil. Click here for details of the 36 countries that have ratified the ILO C185 so far. For example, as China has not ratified the ILO C185, visitor visas are required for Chinese crewmembers on non-Chinese flagged vessels. For Chinese crewmembers on Chinese flagged vessels, a bilateral trade agreement applies allowing limited shore leave within the city limits.


4. The period of stay is counted from the date of the first entry into Brazil to the date when the vessel leaves the last national port or the date when the seafarer is repatriated.


For periods exceeding 90 days, a temporary work visa must be obtained and registered with the Federal Police. Different rules apply for seafarers that enter Brazil to work onboard a Brazilian flagged ship or platform on a ship, as they must obtain a temporary work visa.


For more information on how the new immigration regulations apply to seafarers, please see the detailed guide from Representações Proinde Ltda, a correspondent in Brazil, which is available here. This includes information on the visa categories and validity, immigration controls on foreign seafarers and Brazilian crewmembers, offences and penalties imposed.


Members and Assureds should take note of the above and liaise with local agents and correspondents, where appropriate, to allow sufficient time for any visa applications to be submitted to ensure compliance with Brazil’s immigration laws and avoid being fined.