Web Alert: Asian piracy drops to 10-year low 亚洲海盗事件数量降至十年最低

来源:The Standard P&I Club @ 19 July 2018


The Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia Information Shipping Centre (ReCAAP ISC) has issued its Half-Yearly Report for 2018, highlighting a 15% decrease in incidents compared to last year.

亚洲反海盗及武装抢劫船只区域合作协定信息共享中心(ReCAAP ISC)发布2018年半年报,报告指出海盗案件数量较去年下降15%


From January to June 2018, a total of 40 incidents were reported of which 29 were actual incidents and 11 were attempted cases. This marks a 15% decrease compared to the same period in 2017, as well as the lowest number during the first half of the year over the last ten years.



This reduction in reported incidents reflects the fact that there were no actual incidents of abduction of crew, or theft of oil cargo over the last six months. Furthermore, there was a decrease in the number of incidents at ports and anchorages in the Philippines.



Although a reduction has been noted, ReCAAP ISC still lists several areas of concern. Incidents in the Singapore Strait increased from two to four year-on-year, while incidents increased from none to two year-on-year at ports and anchorages in Vietnam. Although there were no successful cases of crew abduction in the Sulu-Celebes seas, there was one reported attempted incident of abduction of crew.

尽管报告事件数量有所减少,ReCAAP ISC仍列举几个值得关注的领域。在新加坡海峡发生的事件从去年的两件上升至今年的四件,而在越南港口和锚地发生的事件从去年的零事故增至今年的两件。虽然在苏鲁-西里伯斯海域(Sulu-Celebes seas)并没有实际发生船员被劫持情况,但需要注意的是在该区域有一起绑架船员未遂事件被上报。


While ReCAAP ISC welcomes the decline in incidents in Asia, Executive Director Masafumi Kuroki states that 'continued vigilance by all stakeholders is an effective deterrence to maritime crime, and we urge heightened measures to be taken in the areas of concern'.

尽管ReCAAP ISC乐于看到亚洲事件的减少,但执行董事Masafumi Kuroki表示,“所有利益相关方保持警惕是对海上犯罪的有效威慑,我们敦促在相关领域采取更多更有力措施。”
